Hello everyone,

Ok, today is Monday. But does it actually have to feel like a Monday? Certainly not.

If you’re starting the week a bit off, you’ve come to the right place, as we’re about to showcase the highlights of the week!

A new milestone

We reached 3K unique WoW holders yesterday! In so little time, it’s absolutely crazy to see how big the community is becoming. We love it! ❤️


As the community is growing, so is our team! We now have a community manager to help us manage our Discord server and our Twitter channel. In case you need anything, feel free to DM her!

Social Media and press

This week, we were featured in 2 podcasts and 1 AMA on Twitter Space! If you wish to go back in time to listen to them, it’s possible. You can watch the 2 podcasts on YouTube. As for Twitter Space, it will be available soon too.



WoW Fund

We acquired a lot of NFTs this week! Here are a few of them:

We also opened the...


channel, where you can actually admire all of these pieces.

Please remember when suggesting arts for the fund (in #🎨suggest-1-1-art) that we are focusing on smaller artists, who have lower prices. Our goal is to help them grow and to support as many artists as possible.