New milestones, amazing artists reveal, twitter raids, and much more… This week felt like a rollercoaster that only goes upwards! 🚀

Read below to have the recap of this week’s news. We’ll start with the new milestones we reached :)

3.5K Unique holders

We reached 3.5K unique wallets and counting! Actually, I just checked, and we are already at 3.7K. Can’t wait to celebrate 4K! The more invested community members we have, the better. Thank you so much for welcoming all these newcomers the way you do. You’re the best 🥳️

15K Twitter

Our account keeps growing at an incredible speed, and we are already at 15 000 followers! Thanks for talking about us around you, it definitely helps!

Second Twitter raid!

Something else that probably helped is the Twitter raids. We organized a second Twitter raid on Monday, and it was quite a success 🤩 Thanks again to everyone who took part in it, we love seeing Twitter feeds getting filled with World of Women content!!

Bids of the week

What did the fund do this week? Here are the bids we put: